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Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar
On-line version ISSN 1561-3046


Table of contents
Rev Cub Med Mil vol.39 no.3-4 Ciudad de la Habana July-Dec. 2010

 ·  The system of technological science and innovation in hospitals
Amaro Chelala, José; Villate Gómez, Fernando; Abreu Ugarte, Jorge

        · text in Spanish
 ·  HIV-CHV virus coinfection and its immunological-clinical course
Capote Pereira, Lázaro; Menéndez Capote, Reinaldo; Castañer Moreno, Juan; Mora González, Salvador; Pozo Calderón, Mileydis

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Serum values of total proteins, albumin and uric acid in staff exposed to electromagnetic radiations
Martínez Martín, Sara María; Pérez de Alejo, José Luis; García Sánchez, Maura; Jiménez Martínez, María del Carmen

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Penile fracture: Study of 10 years
Núñez Roca, Ariel; Rodríguez Collar, Tomás Lázaro; García Monzón, José Antonio; Carrillo González, Santiago; Martínez Ramos, Gilberto

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  The educational competence of the medical specialties tutor
Alpízar Caballero, Lourdes Bárbara; Añorga Morales, Julia

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Delphi method to identify the science priorities and the technological innovation
Rodríguez Perón, José Miguel; Aldana Vilas, Laura; Villalobos Hevia, Nelson

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Psychological characterization of young male patients presenting with recurrent vasovagal syncope
Aldana Vilas, Laura; Iglesias Alfonso, José; García Gutiérrez, Eulalia; Lima Mompó, Gilda

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Laboratories variables as indicators of quality of life in elderly under substitution treatment of renal function
Capote Leyva, Eliseo; Casamayor Laime, Zuleika; Castañer Moreno, Juan

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  The Persian Gulf illness is still an enigma for military medicine
Menéndez López, José; Infante Velázquez, Mirtha; Ventura Velázquez, René Esteban; Quevedo Fonseca, Carlos; Ávalos Martín, Juan; Moreno Puebla, Reynol

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  The inhibitors of the phosphodiesterases in treatment of erectile sexual dysfunction
Correa Jáuregui, Manuel

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Overselective embolization of renal angiomyolipoma
Rodríguez Collar, Tomás Lázaro; Torres Cuevas, Boris Luis; Nagua Valencia, Miguel Ángel; González López, Ariel; Martínez Rodríguez, Yania

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Paracetamol: ¿Addictive? A case presentation
García González, Yamilet; Fernández Nin, María Victoria; Torriente Valle, Maggie; Díaz Rodríguez, Dianelys

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish

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