| Table of contents Rev Salud Anim. vol.36 no.1 La Habana Jan.-Apr. 2014 ARTICULO RESEÑA | | | | · Host- parasite interaction. An evolving approach Rodríguez Diego, Jesús G; Pedroso Reyes, Miriam; Olivares, Javier L; Sánchez-Castilleja, Yolanda M; Arece García, Javier
| | | ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Prevalence, somatic cell count and etiology of bovine mastitis in Cuban herds from Mayabeque province using hand and machine milking Kent Ruiz, Amado; Peña, Joan; González, Dayaimi; Ponce, Pastor
| | | | · Diagnostic of the good dairy practices in a dairy farm Martínez Vasallo, Ailin; Villoch Cambas, Alejandra; Ribot Enríquez, Ariel; Ponce Ceballo, Pastor
| | | | · Ptaquiloside residual level in milk from bovine farms in three cantons of the of Bolívar Province, Ecuador Calderón Tobar, Ángela; Sánchez, Luz María; Mancebo, Betty; Marrero, Evangelina; Chiriboga, Ximena; Silva, José
| | | | · In vitro effect of Moringa oleifera and Gliricida sepium aqueus extracts in the development of non- parasitic stages of sheep gastrointestinal strongyles Puerto Abreu, Mileydy; Arece García, Javier; López Leyva, Yoel; Roche, Yaima; Molina, Michael; Sanavria, Argemiro; da Fonseca, Adivaldo H
| | | | · Serological survey of Mycobacterium bovis, Brucella abortus and Borrelia burgdorferi in water buffaloes in the northern region of Brazil Barbosa da Silva, Jenevaldo; da Fonseca, Adivaldo Henrique; Barbosa, José Diomedes
| | | | · Educative intervention on rabies in Huambo Municipality, Angola Arsénio de Fontes-Pereira, Ataulfo M; Abeledo, María Antonia; Miranda, Ileana; Nengue Cañele, Benvinda C; Monteiro Noel, Kialanda M; Buenda, Fernando; Teresa, Berta; Dombolo, Edjar F.N; Esperança, Simão D.F.A
| | | COMUNICACIONES CORTAS | | | | · Antibacterial effect of Surfacen and surfactant protein A (SP-A) against a clinical isolate of Streptococcus pneumoniae Blanco Hidalgo, Odalys; Lugones Ladrón de Guevara, Yuliannis; Riverón Alemán, Yamilka; Núñez Drake, Amalia; Toraño Peraza, Gilda; Faure García, Roberto
| | | | · Detection of hemotropic agents in a livestock farm using PCR and DGGE Bolívar, Ana María; Rojas, Agustina; Rosales, Datty; Torres, Yzoleth; García-Lugo, Pablo
| | | | · Anthelmintic efficacy of Labiomec® (Ivermectin 1%) in bovine herds of Camagüey Province, Cuba Guerra Llorens, Yunaisy; Mencho Ponce, Juan Diego; Mencho Suárez, Juan Carlos; de Miranda Carrazana, Brayan; Galbán Méndez, Dania
| | | | · Survey of Eimeria spp. in sheep: first notice of Eimeria macusaniensis in the region of Governor Gregores, Santa Cruz, Argentina Vázquez, María Belén; Genzelis, Maximiliano; Mijalenko, Silvia; Beltramino, Juan B
| | | | · Screening of gastrointestinal parasites on small sheep exploitations from the municipality of Toca, Colombia Pulido-Medellín, Martín O; García-Corredor, Diego; Díaz-Anaya, Adriana; Andrade-Becerra, Roy
| | | RESÚMENES DE TESIS | | | | · Antibacterial and antileishmanial effect of Surfacen® and porcine SP-A Lugones Ladrón de Guevara, Yuliannis
| | | | · Effectiveness of the residual of Rhizophora mangrove L. in the prevention of the diarrheas post-weaning in pig Ayala Galindo, Joel
| | | INFORMATIVE REVIEW | | | | · International Parasitology Workshop: parasitological diagnostic and parasite resistance bases Martínez, Siomara; Abeledo, María Antonia; Corona, Belkis; Fuentes, Maykelin; Alemán, Yousmel; Lobo, Evelyn; Montes de Oca, Nivian
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