| Table of contents Rev Salud Anim. vol.37 no.3 La Habana Sept.-Dec. 2015 ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Relationship between somatic cell counts and milk production and composition in Jersey cows Ramos Garcia, Roberto; Bufon Maion, Vinicius; Molin de Almeida, Kelly; Walter de Santana, Elsa Helena; Rezende Costa, Marcela; Fagnani, Rafael; Ludovico, Agostinho
| | | | · Field evaluation of protein subunit2 vaccine candidate against classical swine fever Percedo, María Irian; Fonseca, Osvaldo; Domínguez, Patricia; Castell, Sara; Suárez, Marisela; Rodríguez, María Pilar; Montero, Carlos; Frías, María Teresa
| | | | · Genetic relationships between Cuban and Brazilian buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) by microsatellite markers Martínez Marrero, Nadia; da Silva, Elizabete Cristina; Mitat Valdés, Alina; Ponce, Giselle; Benício da Silva, Regina C.; Paes Barbosa, Severino Benone; Uffo Reinosa, Odalys; Gomes Filho, Manoel Adrião
| | | | · Seroprevalence of brucellosis in cattle and humans linked to livestock in the central and northern cantons of Manabí province, Ecuador Zambrano Aguayo, Marina Dalia; Pérez Ruano, Miguel
| | | | · Hematologic and biochemical profile of experimentally infected dogs with different variants of canine parvovirus type 2 (PVC-2) in the province of Bolívar, Ecuador Aldaz Cárdenas, Jaime W.; García-Díaz, Juan R.
| | | | · Risk factors associated with the Canine Parvovirus in Canton Guaranda, Bolívar, Ecuador Aldaz Cárdenas, Jaime W.; García-Díaz, Juan R.; Quiñonez-Ramos, Reinaldo
| | | | · Cell surface characteristics and adherence of typeable and non-typeable strains of Streptococcus suis from pig farms in Cuba Espinosa Castaño, Ivette; Arias Baéz, Michel; Lobo Rivero, Evelyn; Martínez Marrero, Siomara
| | | COMUNICACION CORTA | | | | · Sanitary quality in operators, utensils, and water at five municipality slaughterhouses in the province of Manabi, Ecuador Delgado, Hipatia; Cedeño, Carlos; Villoch, Alejandra; Dueñas Rivadeneira, Alex Alberto
| | | INFORMATIVE REVIEW | | | | · International Course: Detection of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) using DNA based methods Martínez, Siomara; Corona, Belkis; Hernández, Lilian; Souza, Andressa; Oliveira, Edna; Branquinho, Maria Regina
| | | SÍNTESIS DE TESIS DEFENDIDA EN OPCIÓN AL GRADO DE MÁSTER EN MICROBIOLOGÍA VETERINARIA | | | | · Molecular Characterization and Spatiotemporal Phylogenetic Analysis based on the VP2 Hyper-Variable Region of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Alfonso Morales, Abdulahi
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