| Table of contents Rev Salud Anim. vol.43 no.3 La Habana Sept.-Dec. 2021 ORIGINAL ARTICLES | | | | · Polymerase chain reaction with internal amplification control to detect mycoplasmas in cell cultures and raw materials Burgher Pulgarón, Yaima; Plasencia-Márquez, Odaylin; Pérez, Anisleydis; Peña, Joan; Corona-González, Belkis; Lobo-Rivero, Evelyn
| | | | · Probiotic effect of efficient microorganisms (ME-AgroAmbiental) on bioproductive indicators in pre-fattening Yorkland pigs Quintana Utra, Mara Dunia; Hernández González, Alian; Saraiba Macias, Abel
| | | | · Obtaining a probiotic candidate of Lactobacillus plantarum 22 LMC from a natural culture medium with agro- based raw materials Vera Mejía, Ronald; Sánchez Miranda, Lilian; Zambrano Gavilares, Patricia; Rodriguez Perdomo, Yanet
| | | | · Frequency of appearance of head and neck tumors in dogs from Havana in the years 2017 and 2018 Garcia Montero, Diana; Rodríguez Alonso, María Beatriz; Calaña Seoane, Lilibet; Rodríguez Aurrecochea, Juan Carlos; Bravo Salabarría, Elianny; González Navarro, Bárbara Onelia
| | | | · Theoretical-methodological bases of the HACCP system in obtaining quality water from a buffalo dairy farm Casañas Sosa, Pedro Julio; Suárez Fernández, Yolanda; Colas Chavez, Manuel; García Yulietter, Lorenzo; López Torres, Elizabeth; Hernández Hernández, Mara; Valera Rodríguez, Lázaro E.
| | | COMUNICACIONES CORTAS | | | | · Risk factors associated with brucellosis seroprevalence in cattle herds from Xochimilco, Mexico City Sánchez Castilleja, Yolanda Margarita; Iglesias Reyes, Adrián Emmanuel; López López, María Isabel; Rodríguez Diego, Jesús Gregorio
| | | | · Effectiveness of the antiparasitic Labiomec (Ivermectin 1 %) for the control of oestrosis in sheep Noa Lobaina, Nancy; Lafargue Savón, Marisol; Castellano Mcook, Elba Lidia; Rivera Hernández, Annia; Gutiérrez Córdova, Silvia
| | | | · Winter dysentery associated with bovine coronavirus in cows from Mayabeque province, Cuba Curiel Hernández, Maray; Díaz Corona, Cristian; Mesa Delgado, Adriana; Acevedo Beiras, Ana María; Coronado Báez, Liani; Obret Ferrer, Yalainne; Chavez Rodriguez, Gisselle; Perera González, Carmen Laura
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