| Revista Cubana de Enfermería
Table of contents Rev Cubana Enfermer vol.20 no.3 Ciudad de la Habana Sept.-Dec. 2004 EDITORIAL | | | | · Editorial
| | | ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Behavior of low weight pregnant women admitted in a maternal home Boloy Crezco, Niurvis; Lucas Ortiz, Fé; Corrales Ortiz, Alexis
| | | | · Some reflections on alcoholism in the community Otaño Fabelo, Yusimí; Valdes Rodríguez, Yojany
| | | | · Incidence of smoking patients in poblacional group Ochoa Borges, Adriana; Enamorado Rosabal, Neivis
| | | | · Influence of the grandparents' circle on the evolution of articular diseases Montes de Oca García, Doris Dalis; Julia Bravo, Ana; Díaz Medina, Clara
| | | PROMOCION DE SALUD | | | | · Influencia de los hábitos televisivos infantiles sobre la alimentación y el sobrepeso (II) Tirado Altamirano, Francisco; Barbancho Cisneros, Francisco Javier; Prieto Moreno, Jesús; Moreno Méndez, Andrés
| | | BIOÉTICA | | | | · Ethical decision making applied to the nursing specialty Amaro Cano, María del Carmen
| | | COLABORACIÓN EXTRANJERA | | | | · Validation of a playing resource for cardiovascular health education Martins da Silva, Viviane; Venícios de Oliveira Lopes, Marcos; Leite de Araujo, Thelma
| | | HISTORIA | | | | · Florence Nightingale, the first great nursing theorist Amaro Cano, María del Carmen
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