| Table of contents Rev Cubana Enfermer vol.28 no.3 Ciudad de la Habana July-Sept. 2012 EDITORIAL | | | | · Education in sexual and reproductive health as a challenge for the Cuban nursing Páez Armenteros, Jovita; Emilio Vento Iznaga, Félix
| | | CARTA AL EDITOR | | | | · The combination of community nursing functions in the basic health care team García Castellanos, Tania
| | | REDES DE ENFERMERÍA | | | | · Networking and the opportunities of child development in Uruguay Fernández Pellejero, Lía
| | | REFLEXIÓN Y DEBATE | | | | · Transculturation in the community-based gerontologic nursing care Llanes Betancourt, Caridad
| | | ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · The asthmatic adolescents' knowledge about their disease Díaz Cuesta, Mercedes; Rodríguez Herrera, Fidelina
| | | | · Validation of a satisfaction scale for night nursing care Rodríguez-Gázquez, María de los Ángeles; Arredondo-Holguín, Edith; Pulgarín-Bilvao, Lissette Paola
| | | | · Observation of the functions of a community nursing specialist in practice Dandicourt Thomas, Caridad; Mackenzie Sarria, Yolaisi; Torres Esperón, Maricela
| | | ARTÍCULO DE REVISIÓN | | | | · Theory and nursing care- the articulation for the safety of the diabetic pregnant woman Pérez Madrazo, Karelia; Díaz Marín, Daniel; Lorenzo Velásquez, Berta M; Castillo López, Rosalina
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