| Table of contents Rev Cubana Enfermer vol.30 no.3 Ciudad de la Habana July.-Sept. 2014 ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Clinical and epidemiological profile of patients treated in psychiatric outpatient Pires Cruz, Diego; da Silva Sena, Edite Lago; Missias Moreira, Ramon; Brito Teixeira, Jules Ramon; Santos Pereira Lira, Laís Santana; Ferraz dos Anjos, Karla; Cruz Santos, Vanessa
| | | | · Knowledge about HIV/aids and condom use among participants in the carnival Ribeiro Francisco, Márcio Tadeu; Rodrigues Fernandes da Fonte, Vinícius; Spindola, Thelma; Costa Martins, Elizabeth Rose; Amorim Costa, Cristiane Maria; Prince Pinheiro, Carina D’Onofrio
| | | | · Experiencing the hemodialysis by the bearer of chronic renal failure Ferreira Silva, Cristiane; Ribeiro Santos, Thalita; de Andrade-Barbosa, Thiago Luis; de Oliveira e Silva, Carla Silvana; Xavier-Gomes, Ludmila Mourão
| | | | · Delivery service under the perspective of women attended in a public hospital Severino Silva, Leonildo; de Lucena Torres, Analucia; de Souza Amorim, Elizabeth; Brandão Neto, Waldemar; Rosendo do Nascimento, Enilda
| | | | · Environmental and occupational characteristics of the teaching practice of the state net of a brazilian municipality Carneiro Vasconcelos, Lélia Renata; Vasconcelos Rocha, Saulo; Paixão Cardoso, Jefferson; Martins Teodoro, Sonia
| | | | · Changes in the lifestyle of people with venous ulcer de Souza Azevedo Aguiar, Aline Cristiane; Amaral, Lucas; Araújo dos Reis, Luana; Santana Menezes Barbosa, Tânia; Laura de Camargo, Climene; dos Reis Alves, Marta
| | | | · The cefalea behaviour in dural post punction Añel Liranza, Yanet Beatriz; Martínez Rondon, Ariamna; Iraola Leyva, Milagro Solmis; Mejias Pupo, Marbelis; Cruz Carballosa, Yosvanis; López Sánchez, Yamicela
| | | ARTÍCULO DE REVISIÓN | | | | · Nursing Interventions aimed at Self-Care of patients with Heart Failure Ribeiro do Nascimento, Heloisa; Bertacchini de Oliveira, Larissa; de Araújo Püschel, Vilanice Alves
| | | REDES DE ENFERMERÍA | | | | · Red Iberoamericana de Investigación en Educación en Enfermería: Brazil Region de Araújo Püschel, Vilanice Alves; Bertacchini de Oliveira, Larissa
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