| Table of contents Rev Cubana Enfermer vol.32 no.3 Ciudad de la Habana July.-Sept. 2016 CARTAS AL EDITOR | | | | · The importance of reporting validity and reliability in empirical research Domínguez-Lara, Sergio Alexis
| | | | · Need for improvements in communication and health education of the kidney transplant recipient patient Rodríguez Castanedo, Rosa Dionisia
| | | ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Knowledge level about the nursing care plan in nursing professionals Yara municipality Pérez Viltres, Marisel; Lorente Viltres, Kenia; Rodríguez Puebla, Elizabet; Herriman Olivera, Diana Luisa; Verdecia Olivera, Niniares
| | | | · Family self-rated health in a metropolitan area of Bucaramanga Laguado Jaimes, Elveny; Caballero Díaz, Laura Paola
| | | | · Characterization biopsicosocial of the informal caregivers of patients with chronic illness and or terminal Blanco Martínez, Luisa Liberata; Simón Álvarez, Ana María; Sánchez Fernández, Aracelys
| | | | · Care practices and its influence during pregnancy in the city of Tunja, Colombia Prieto Bocanegra, Brigitte Migdolia
| | | | · Patient satisfaction with medical care emergency Castelo Rivas, Walter Patricio; Castelo Rivas, Angel Fredy; Rodríguez Díaz, Jorge Luis
| | | | · Effectiveness of educational intervention in knowledge of pregnant women on maternal risk factors of under weight to be born Hernández Pérez, Raúl; Lemus Lima, Erlys; Perera Milián, Leidis Sandra; Rodríguez Borges, Freddy; Vázquez Aguilar, Jorge Luis
| | | | · Ability of care and care burden in family caregivers of people with chronic illness Carreño Moreno, Sonia; Barreto Osorio, Ruth Vivian; Duran Parra, Myriam; Ortiz, Vilma Támara; Romero, Elizabeth
| | | | · Organizational climate: perception by primary health care nurses Díaz Piñera, Addys María; Rodríguez Salvá, Armando; Balcindes Acosta, Susana; Vos, Pol De; Van der Stuyfs, Patrick
| | | | · Benchmarking for nursing human resources management Martínez Trujillo, Nelcy; Dueñas Piedra, Julio; Lages Dávila, Julianis
| | | | · Psychological uneasiness in principal caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease Garzón Patterson, Mabel; Pascual Cuesta, Yadira; Collazo Lemus, Esther de la Concepción
| | | | · Effectiveness of the electro acupuncture and acupuncture in the treatment of the herpes Zoster Arce Morera, Enrique; Meralla Machado, Juana Elena; Armas Montesino, Luis
| | | | · Evaluation of the National Programme for Early Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer in Bartolomé Masó Márquez Santamarina Fernández, Aleida; Verdecia Tamayo, Damaris; Segura Fajardo, Misleidis; Santamarina Fernández, Marcia; Verdecia Tamayo, Yarelis; Fiallo González, Arbelia
| | | | · Parenting expectations in mothers of term and preterm infants Vargas Porras, Carolina; Villamizar Carvajal, Beatriz; Ardila Suárez, Edinson Fabian
| | | ARTICULOS DE REVISION | | | | · The nursing professional's role in following adherence to antiretroviral treatment Espinosa Aguilar, Anibal; Gibert Lamadrid, María del Pilar; Ávila Sánchez, Mario
| | | | · Considerations for teacher professional development Puig Delgado, Marbelys Amalia; Martínez Ruiz, María Teresa; Valdés García, Nadia
| | | | · Scientific evidence of nursing care and patient safety in oncology inpatient unit Silveira de Assis, Yole Matias; Andrade Alves, Kisna Yasmin; Pereira Santos, Viviane Euzébia
| | | OBITUARIO | | | | Páez Armenteros, Jovita | | |