| Table of contents Rev Cubana Enfermer vol.35 no.3 Ciudad de la Habana July.-Sept. 2019 CARTA AL DIRECTOR | | | | · Self-efficacy for investigation must be linked to the investigative component Dominguez-Lara, Sergio
| | | ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Characterization of hypertensive patients from Chambo-Rioamba Health District Gafas González, Carlos; Figueredo Villa, Katiuska; Salazar Granizo, Yolanda Elizabeth; Brossard Peña, Edgar; León Insuasti, Mayra Carola; Pérez Columbié, Reina Luisa
| | | | · Structural analysis of a healthy lifestyles scale in Mexican University Students Dominguez Lara, Sergio; Martín-Díaz, Anaid; Ramírez-Colina, Sarai; Campos-Uscanga, Yolanda
| | | | · Critical thinking skills for the diagnostic reasoning process in nursing students Lluch Bonet, Adalberto; Morales López, Alfredo; Olivera Rodrígue, Marelis; Olivera Bou, Zaida; Rubio López, Elena
| | | | · Empathy levels in nursing students from Colombia Fernández-Aragón, Shirley Paola; Díaz-Perez, Anderson; Díaz-Narváez, Víctor Patricio
| | | | · Composition of Food Incorporated to the School Snack of Preschool Children Da Costa Leites Da Silva, Leticia; Díaz Amador, Yanedsy; Alfonso De La Nuez, Wilfredo
| | | | · Nursing Activity in Family Doctor’s and Nurse’s Offices of Havana García Fariñas, Anai; Dana Marrero, Sonia de la Caridad; Maldonado Alcántara, Mariela; Pérez Muñoz, Lázara Maydalis
| | | | · Repercussions of the Brazilian Program for the Assessment of Quality of Primary Care Muramoto, Flavia Tiemi; Matumoto, Silvia
| | | | · The Students’ Meaning about Nursing. A Perspective from the Social Construction about the Profession Ligeti Stuardo, Paula; Veliz-Rojas, Lizet; Salas Carmona, Paulina
| | | | · Workplace Violence among nursing staff subjective perceptions, preliminary results Medina-Maldonado, Venus; Pozo, Jenny; Barrera, Janeth; Urgiles, Patricia; Ortiz, Silvana; Yanez, Cristina; Arellano, Jaqueline; Ruiz, Salomé
| | | | · Care strategy for hypertensive elderly people in the community Naranjo Hernández, Ydalsys; Sánchez Carmenate, Meyvel; Lorenzo Pérez, Yarelis
| | | ARTICULOS DE REVISION | | | | · Contributions of Health Technologies to Patient Safety de Lima Neto, Alcides Viana; da Fonseca Silva, Micheline; Santos, Viviane Euzébia Pereira
| | | | · The Nursing Professional Performance in Colombian Publications Espinosa Aguilar, Anibal; Expósito Concepción, María Yaquelín
| | | | · Theory Grounded on Data as a Research Alternative for Addressing Care in the Cuban Nursing Borges Damas, Lareisy; Sánchez Machado, Rolando; Sixto Pérez, Arahí; Valcárcel Izquierzo, Norberto; Peñalver Sinclaiy, Ana Gladys; Parra Linares, Edward
| | | | · Assessment Tools in Cardiovascular Nursing Guzmán Zolaque, Adriana Paola; Román Bedoya, Marcela; Osorio Castaño, Jhon Henry
| | | | · Hypoglycemia and Associated Risk Factors during Continuous Insulin Administration in Critically-ill Patients Magalhães de Azeredo Granadeiro, Raquel; Vianna Alóchio, Kyra; Chaves Sá, Selma Petra
| | | REFLEXIÓN Y DEBATE | | | | · To Broadening Horizons in the Interface Integrative Practices with the Epistemology of the South Mônica Gisele, Costa Pinheiro; Campos Verdes Rodrigues, Iellen Dantas; Richardson Augusto, Rosendo da Silva; Nunes de Miranda, Francisco Arnoldo
| | | OBITUARIO | | | | · Evidia Álvarez González, vida para la humanidad Naranjo Hernández, Ydalsys
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