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Educación Médica Superior
On-line version ISSN 1561-2902


Table of contents
REMS vol.37 no.4 La Habana Oct.-Dec. 2023

 ·  The Training of Health Professionals Including Intercultural Competence: A Current Necessity
Pérez Acuña, Claudia Verónica; Medina, José Luis

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Inverted Classroom and Virtual Classroom in the Training of Higher-Degree Associates in Clinical Neurophysiology
Fernández Alemán, Miguel Alejandro; Martínez Martínez, Elisa; Valdés Urrutia, Lourdes Beatriz; Estrada Molina, Odiel; Zulueta Labaceno, Yunitsy; Hernández Mesa, Nibaldo

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  A Professional Improvement Strategy for the Comprehensive Care of the Patient with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Basain Valdés, José María; Fernández Oliva, Bertha; Valdés Alonso, María del Carmen; Garí Herrera, Yudelsy Iraida

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
The Scientific Production about Gynecology and Obstetrics in Cuban Student Journals (2014-2022)
Sosa Osorio, Alberto Antonio; Jiménez-Franco, Luis Enrique

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Impact Assessment of the Program of the Master’s Degree in Diagnostic Means from the Matanzas Medical University
Rodríguez González, Layvis; del Huerto Marimón, María Elena; Rodríguez Gómez, Renier; León Herrera, Lizbet María

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  The Usage of Mobile Telephony in the Teaching-Learning Process of Ophthalmology
Pérez de la Rosa, Maibi; Trujillo Baldoquin, Yanet; Ramos Hernández, Rosalina

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Student Perception about the Teaching-Learning Process of Medical Genetics at a Medical School
Lardoeyt Ferrer, Roberto; Quesada Soto, Zulema; Domínguez Méndez, Maritza; Gómez Zabala, Zaida; González Salé, Orlando; Alfonso Díaz, Keny

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Didactic-Educational Projection through the Moodle Platform in the Discipline Biological Basis of Medicine
Pomares Bory, Eduardo de Jesús; Arencibia Flores, Lourdes Guadalupe; Vázquez Naranjo, Odalys; Barrios Herrero, Liliam

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  The Software Jamovi in the Teaching of the Subject Research Methodology
de la Torre Rodríguez, Maidelan; Junco Bringa, Diosvany; Marrero Pérez, Martha Denis; Rodríguez Soto, Imirsy

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  A Tool for Assessing the Understanding of Information and Knowledge Management at Infomed
Velázquez-Soto, Oscar Ernesto; Díaz Arcos, Lisdiany

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Interdisciplinary Relationships between Anesthesiologists and Surgeons
Cordero Escobar, Idoris; Mur Villar, Norma; Soler Morejón, Caridad de Dios

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Civic Formation in the Medicine Major: an Approach to the current status
Baute Plana, Alexey; Avila Portuondo, Ailet Maria; Mirabal Díaz, Nguyen

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  The Task within the Teaching-Learning Process of Basic Biomedical Sciences
Sánchez Anta, Alejandro de Jesús; Miralles Aguilera, Eva de los Ángeles

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  A Professional Improvement Strategy in Natural and Traditional Medicine for Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialists
Smith Austin, Arthur Balbour; Fiqueredo Mesa, Yerina; García Céspedes, María Eugenia; Smith Salazar, Liurka Isabel

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  A Theoretical Approach to the Assessment of Managerial Professional Competences in Intensive Medicine and Emergencies
Betancourt Plaza, Iliovanys; Véliz Martínez, Pedro Luis; Mezquía de Pedro, Natascha

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Surveillance and Intelligence Process for Postgraduate Studies in Health
Pupo Méndez, Karen; Valencia Bonilla, María Beatriz; Guerra Bretaña, Rosa Mayelín

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Information and Communication Technologies as Healthcare Tools
Vidal Ledo, María Josefina; Delgado Ramos, Ariel; Miralles Aguilera, Eva de los Ángeles

        · text in Spanish
 ·  Scientific Production and Research Tendencies in Medical Education: Comparative Analysis of two Journals
Borroto Cruz, Eugenio Radamés; Galarza López, Judith; Díaz Contino, Cindy Giselle; Díaz Rojas, Pedro Augusto; Miralles Aguilera, Eva de los Ángeles

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish
 ·  Impact of COVID-19 on Professional Development at Centro de Posgrado Hermanos Ameijeiras
Soler Morejón, Caridad de Dios; Borjas Borjas, Francisco

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish

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