| Table of contents Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol vol.24 no.2 Ciudad de la Habana July.-Dec. 2010 ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Neurophysiologic assessment on cervical spondylotic myelopathy Hernández Hernández, Bárbara Aymeé; González Romero, Lázaro Alberto; Carrero Texidor, Yenisset; Cepero Noriega, Fara Luisa
| | | | · Behavior pattern in patients presenting with postposed surgery hip fractures Escarpanter Buliés, Julio César
| | | | · Surgical treatment using coralline hydroxyapatite in infantile pararalytic valgus foot Capote Llanares, Miguel Ángel; Lorenzo Pérez, Manuel
| | | | · Treatment of long bones pseudoarthrosis using external fixation Pancorbo Sandoval, Enrique; Delgado Quiñones, Alberto; Martín Tirado, Juan; Hernández Hernández, Justo; Díaz Prieto, Giraldo; Quesada Pérez, José
| | | | · Early diagnosis of hip development dysplasia Cabrera Álvarez, Carlos; Vega Ojeda, Arturo Pablo; de la Cruz San Anastasio, Zenón; Pi Gómez, Agustín
| | | | · Treatment of traumatic lesions in hands caused by firarms Salles Betancourt, Guido; Croas, Félix Antuan
| | | | · Orthesis for the treatment of traumatic hammer finger: experience in Guasdualito jurisdiction (Venezuela) Vega Fernández, Enrique
| | | TRABAJOS DE REVISIÓN | | | | · Patellofemoral instability Álvarez López, Alejandro; García Lorenzo, Yenima; Puentes Álvarez, Antonio; García Lorenzo, Maruldis
| | | PRESENTACIÓN DE CASOS | | | | · Desmoplastic fribroma Escarpanter Buliés, Julio César; Yero García, Iguer; López Pozas, Moisés; Vilaplana Santaló, Carlos
| | | EVENTOS | | | | · XXII International Congress of the Cuban Society of Orthopedia and Traumatology and the II Cuban-Mexican Binational Meeting of Orthopedia and Traumatology. SCOT-FEMECOT. (Events Center of the "Frank País" International Scientific Orthopedics Complex. Havana, Cuba. From 19 to 24 September, 2011).
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