| Table of contents MEDISAN vol.14 no.9 Santiago de Cuba 17Nov.-31/Dec. 2010 ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Quality of the propanolol prescription in "Dr. Carlos Juan Finlay" health area Casas Gross, Sandra; Malo de Molina, Rodolfo Roldán; Herrero Aguirre, Hidelisa; Gross Fernández, Milagros; Perdomo Leyva, Doris
| | | | · Modification to knowledge about hypertensive crisis in old adults with hypertension Domínguez González, Amaury Javier; Morales Gómez, Yisel; Márquez Filiú, Maricel
| | | | · Clinical epidemiologic characterization of individuals with severe heart attack Rodríguez Torres, Iván; Arbelo López, Doralys; Vázquez Pavón, Ernesto; Acevedo Matos, María Magdalena
| | | | · Main clinical and endoscopical aspects of the degenerative knee disease Morasén Cuevas, José Ricardo; Calisté Manzano, Osvaldo; Vergés Callard, Luis
| | | | · Mortality according to periodic treatment with hemodialysis Rodríguez Constantín, Alejandro; Rodríguez Beyris, Reynaldo P; Tamayo Velázquez, Justo L
| | | | · Nutritional status evaluation of an elderly population from dietetical, anthropometrical, and clinical points of view Pérez Hechavarría, Gipsy de los Ángeles; Álvarez Cortés, Julia Tamara; Pérez Hechavarría, Alejandro Roberto; Bello Hernández, Vivian
| | | | · Individualization of low vision patients in "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital Ophthalmologic Center Fernández Pérez, Sonia Rafaela; de Dios Lorente, José Arturo; Leyet Romero, Mirelvis; Castillo Vázquez, Carmen; Roncourt Colás, Eudosia
| | | | · Professionals' training at Medical College No.1 of Santiago de Cuba Álvarez Escalante, Leticia; Ricardo Saint Félix, Farah M; Casas Gross, Sandra; Álvarez González, Rosa María
| | | | · General characteristics of care to the newborn with congenital malformations in a children hospital Montes Zamora, Celia; Parra Pérez, Yasmina; Balcindes Sánchez, María de los Ángeles; Reza Torres, Yuralkis
| | | | · Educational instruction on hypertension at the Municipal University Polyclinic of Santiago de Cuba Linares Despaigne, Manuel de Jesús; Arrate Negret, María Mercedes; Molina Hechavarría, Vivian; Linares Ibarra, Dayanis; Sarmiento Romero, Nilson
| | | | · Postoperative intraarticular analgesia in arthroscopic knee surgery Suárez Pascual, Odis Laida; Antúnez Coca, José; González Zamora, Yanelkis; Aguilera Martínez, Danilo; Fornaris Hung, Rubén
| | | | · Morbidity due to a foreign body in the esophagus López Almarales, Felipe
| | | | · Effects of the magnetically treated CM-95 solution on hematologic and biochemical parameters in Balb/c mice Martínez Manrique, Clara Esther; Castillo Belén, Juan Ramón; Favier Romero, Pedro; Tamayo Ortega, Vivian; Sierra González, Gustavo
| | | | · Strategy of strictly monitored and shortened treatment in patients with confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis Tablada del Risco, Luis René; Lafargue Mayoz, Dina; Toledano Grave de Peralta, Yanara; Orozco González, María Iluminada
| | | | · Malignant lymphomas: data of a five year period in Santiago de Cuba de la Uz Ruesga, Beatriz O; Hernández Galano, Geldris P; Brunet, Marisol; Suárez Beyríes, Lidia C; Duverger Magdaleón, Ernesto
| | | CASOS CLÍNICOS | | | | · Ameloblastic Carcinoma Inclán Acosta, Alejandro; Rodríguez Reyes, Oscar; Pérez Arredondo, Ricardo; Limonta Pérez, Igmar
| | | | · Autoimmune hemolytic state due to cold antibodies and sickle cell anemia of late onset Céspedes Floirián, Enrique; Juy Aguirre, Elisa; Valón Rodríguez, Onel; Duverger Domínguez, Ernesto; Rubal Wong, Alina
| | | | · Macular cystoid edema Rey Estévez, Blanca Nieve; Varela Gener, Edith; García Galí, Madeline
| | | | · Infectious Endocarditis on electrode of permanent pacemaker Reyes Sánchez, Raúl; de Dios Lorente, José Arturo; Acosta Pérez, Yamilé
| | | COMENTARIOS | | | | · Historical progress of the primary health care. Significance in the need of a professional self-improvement transforming population`s life styles Cáceres Diéguez, Aglae; Cruz Baranda, Silvia Sofía
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