| Table of contents MEDISAN vol.24 no.6 Santiago de Cuba Nov.-Dec. 2020 ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Clinical epidemiological characterization of Algerian children with infectious diseases Mengana López, Erlis; Azahares Arguello, Hernai; Pérez Reyna, Edirio; Casanova Delgado, Ana Lidia
| | | | · Rehabilitation of patients with dental prosthesis during the second phase of recovery poscovid-19 La O Salas, Niurka Odalmis; Corona Carpio, Marcia Hortensia; Piña Odio, Ibis; Duharte Escalante, Ana Buenaventura; Chávez González, Zulema
| | | | · Economic evaluation of the therapeutic alternatives in patients with dentin hyperesthesia Perdomo Estrada, Cristina; del Todo Pupo, Lilian Judith; Gan Cardero, Bárbara; Coca Tamayo, Tirso Michel; Perdomo Barrera, Ivette
| | | | · Survival of seropositive people to the human immune deficiency virus in a health area of Santiago de Cuba Suárez Ramírez, Nancy; Quiñones Suárez, Nancy Ivis; Soler Santana, Raxsy; Marin Mendez, Mayelin
| | | | · Ligature of varicose veins by videoendoscopy in patients with upper digestive bleeding Pérez Artimez, Maria Elena; Fernández Duharte, Jesús; Brice Abreu, Vladimir; Dinza Cabreja, Sixto Alain; Colas Prevost, Gema de las Mercedes
| | | | · Characteristics of the hospitalizations due to COVID-19 in Santiago de Cuba Céspedes Delis, Virgen; Valdés García, Luis Eugenio; Cordoví Hernández, Valia Dalgis
| | | | · Influence of the early stimulation in the psychomotor development of infants Puente Perpiñan, Magalis; Suastegui Pando, Aritza; Andión Rente, Meibol Leydi; Estrada Ladoy, Lisbet; de los Reyes Losada, Alina
| | | | · Clinical epidemiological aspects of patients admitted due to type 2 diabetes mellitus in the hospital of Moa Reyes Sanamé, Félix Andrés; Pérez Alvares, María Luisa; Medina Arce, Marcos Miguel; Navarro Caboverde, Yamila; Fernández Mendoza, Alianna
| | | | · Teaching, scientific and academic training of consultant professors from the Stomatology Faculty in Santiago de Cuba González Rodríguez, Walkyria del Carmen; Pérez Barrero, Bernardo Ricardo; Ferrer Mustelier, Ania; Vicente Botta, Braulia
| | | | · Determination of the global cardiovascular risk in hypertensive patients Terazón Miclín, Oneida; Angulo Elers, Carlos Manuel
| | | | · Correlation of the anthropometric parameters predictors of emerging risk for diabetes mellitus Ascar, Graciela Inés; Bassino, Cintia; Huespe, Cristina Beatriz; Hernández, María Mercedes; Aparicio, Lourdes
| | | | · Morbidity due to exogenous intoxications in a pediatric hospital from Santiago de Cuba Pérez Medina, Yofaidy; Fernández Villalón, Migdalia; Urgellés Díaz, Darién; Leyva Peguero, Yileisy; Fernández Villalón, Maritza
| | | Evolution of acute chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treated with non-invasive ventilation Navarro Rodríguez, Zadis; Romero Garcia, Lázaro Ibrahim; Guzman Perez, Niger; Brito Laserra, Franklin
| | | CASOS CLÍNICOS | | | | · Hepatobiliary ascaridiasis in a young adult woman Marin Castro, Pedro Xavier; Nuñez Moreno, José; Zuñiga Bohórquez, José
| | | | · Vesicular volvulus: a surgical finding Téllez Almenares, Orlando; Columbié Barrios, Pablo Antonio; Hernández Cumbá, Sergio
| | | COMUNICACIÓN BREVE | | | | · Professional training for the confrontation to the COVID 19: experiences in a hospital institution Oropesa Roblejo, Pedro; Zaldívar Álvarez, Elio; García Céspedes, María Eugenia; Brossard Alejo, Julio
| | | | · Preventive work and implementation of teaching strategies during Covid-19 in the University of Medical Sciences from Santiago de Cuba Cisneros Domínguez, Grethel; Abad Araujo, Jorge Carlos; Cruz Martínez, Irene; Cisneros Domínguez, Carmen María
| | | | · The technological mediation in the university extension for health promotion Camilo Parrón, Elena; Pérez Martínez, Alberto
| | | ARTÍCULO HISTÓRICO | | | | · Chronicle of Gerontogeriatry in Santiago de Cuba Fong Estrada, Juana Adela
| | | GLOSARIO | | | | · Glossary of terms related to gender perspective in health sciences Rodríguez Sotomayor, Yamilé; Pardo Fernández, Alfredo; Díaz Chieng, Lee Yang; Iznaga Brooks, Hilda Lidia; Tamayo Fonseca, Mabel
| | | PEDAGOGICAL ARTICLES | | | | · Integrative conception for the impact evaluation of the fundamental processes in the medical university of Santiago de Cuba Travieso Ramos, Nadina; Bandera Sosa, Liset
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