ISSN 1608-8921
Online version


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Common requirements for all types of articles

  • The journal accepts documents that have been previously deposited in recognized specialty preprint servers. It is recommended to use for these purposes the servers SciELO Preprints, PMC, Plos, MedRxiv.
  • Each author must provide, in a mandatory way, their ORCID number. (
  • Authors are to provide primary data records used if requested by publishers.
  • Ethical considerations: The research presented must comply with all ethical statements for the types of studies, whether in humans or animals (Declaration of Helsinki):

  • If there is any violation of an ethical nature related to the document, it will be resolved through the protocols established by the International Committee on Ethics in Scientific Publication (COPE):
  • Clinical trials must carry their proper registration number obtained from a Clinical Trials Registry. This number must be verifiable, so the source will appear.
  • Copyright: This journal is available in Open Access without restrictions, complying with the international policy of Open Access to information. The contents that are exposed here can be used, without commercial purposes, as long as the primary source is referenced.
  • In the Original Investigations the contribution of each author in the study is written at the end of the document, according to the taxonomy (CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy); which establishes several typologies: conceptualization and ideas, data curation, formal analysis, acquisition of funds, research, methodology, project management, resources, software, supervision, validation, visualization, writing of the original draft, writing, revision and edition. All authors must participate in the revision of the version that is sent to the journal.
  • Authorship criteria: Each author should have participated in the work sufficiently to take public responsibility for the content.
    You are an author when:
    - Has contributed substantially to the conception and design of the study, data collection, analysis and interpretation, as well as to the drafting of the article or the critical review of its intellectual content and approves the final version to be published.
    All authors must meet the above conditions, participating only in the acquisition of funds or data collection does not justify authorship, the general supervision of the research group is not enough to appear as an author.
  • Conflict of interest: Authors must declare the presence or absence of conflict of interest in relation to the research presented; this must be written at the end of the document.
  • The methodology of all the originals will be evaluated according to the guidelines for the presentation of research reports, which can be found on the Equator site:

Bibliographic references

The ABSTRACT must be submitted in Spanish and English, written in an impersonal style and past tense, structured format and will not exceed 250 words, depending on the type of document.

Types of articles (sections)

The number of authors will depend on the type of article, in those cases that exceed the figure, it will be analyzed by the editorial committee.

Home page must contain:

  1. Title of the article, which must be:
    - Short, but informative.
    - Written in Spanish and English.
    - Only the words that require it will be capitalized.
    - Avoid abbreviations, acronyms, chemical formulas, proprietary names, jargon.
    - Avoid interrogative titles, serial titles.
    - Avoid (whenever possible) splitting titles with punctuation marks.
  2. The name and surnames of each author with their ORCID, the highest academic title or titles they have obtained and their institutional affiliation (work center).
  3. The name of all the departments or institutions to which the work should be attributed.
  4. The name, work address and email of the author who will be responsible for receiving and sending the criteria and decisions about the document by mail.
  5. Keywords: they must be between three and six.

Manuscript evaluation system

The arbitration system for all documents sent to GME is double-blind peer review, using open peer review indistinctly; this process will be carried out with evaluators external to the publishing institution of the journal; This review will have at least two expert reviewers, and if there is any need, a third reviewer will be requested; within a period of 7 days they must respond if they will carry out the evaluation or not, and within 15 days to carry it out.

The evaluation period will not take more than 80 days. Within this period, the authors will be informed of the editorial decision.

If for any reason the author does not wish to publish his article before finishing the process, he must immediately communicate it in writing to the journal's management in order to avoid an ethical conflict.

All reviewers are asked for a curriculum which is analyzed with the Editorial Committee of the GME for approval or not.

The documents received in GME are verified throughout the editorial process through anti-plagiarism tools, which can be accessed at the following addresses:; and; in addition to manually verifying each of the bibliographic references and the information that is commented on in the document.

If evidence of plagiarism or fraud is observed during the review, the article will be definitively rejected, in addition to informing the contact author that they cannot send another document to be processed in GME.

Any violation of an ethical nature related to the document will be resolved through the protocols established by the International Committee on Ethics in Scientific Publication (COPE):

Manuscript submission

Submission of manuscripts, processing and publication do not offer any cost to the authors, it is totally free and they will be sent exclusively through the journal's online management system: (

[Home] [About the journal] [Editorial Board] [Instructions to authors] [Subscription]

Licencia Creative Commons

All the contents of this journal, Gaceta Médica Espirituana, is licensed under a
Licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0.

Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Sancti Spíritus, Circunvalación Norte s/n, Olivos 3, Sancti Spíritus.
Código Postal: 60100
Ciudad: Sancti Spíritus
País: Cuba
Tel.: +5341324019 ext: 141
