1990-8644 |
Basic Information
"Conrado" Journal (RC) History of the Journal The University of Cienfuegos, with the purpose of disseminating the scientific-pedagogical work generated in Cuba and other parts of the world, has created the journal "Conrado". This journal publication profile is related to works dedicated to the pedagogical sciences. Its first issue came to light in January 2005, with a quarterly frequency. Its issuing has been possible thanks to the efforts of teachers, researchers and prestigious Cuban specialists. As of January 2018, the journal will publish its four issues of the year at the beginning of its frequency period: January, January-March period; April, April-June; July: July-September; and October, October-December. The intention of each number is to socialize the scientific results of different thematic areas generated in research projects developed in the institution, aimed at improving the teaching learning process from elementary to university levels. The Journal disseminates its contents in bibliographic data base and international directories, which position articles on first levels result searchers as Google Scholar. It is also recognized by the National Registration of Serial Publications (Havana, Cuba) and has been certified by Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, (CITMA) as Serial Scientific Technological Publication and indexed in international directories as: Latindex, Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB), Directory of Open Accesss Journals (DOAJ) and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of the Web of Science. The scientific advisory board in composed of professors who hold the scientific category of Doctors in Science, they have experience in different areas of knowledge taught in Higher Education and lead important research projects of the Institution and the country. As firm followers of those educators who preceded them, their authors carry with their letters, everywhere, the light of truth. Periodicity: Quarterly Focus and scope Conrado journal aims to disseminate the scientific-pedagogical work that is generated in Cuba and other parts of the world to contribute to the development of scientific production in the area of pedagogical sciences. |
Indexed in
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Editorial "Universo Sur" Universidad de Cienfuegos. Carretera a Rodas, Km 3 1/2. Cuatro Caminos. Cienfuegos. Cuba. |
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Universidad de Cienfuegos. Carretera a Rodas, Km 3 1/2. Cuatro Caminos. Cienfuegos. Cuba.
CP: 59430
Telefonos: (43)500166 y 500167