Extension and formal aspects
To be published in the journal the articles must not have been edited, nor be in the process of evaluation for another publication; nor will complete research be published, but its results in the form of a scientific article. The works to be published must meet the following requirements:
1. Article extension should be between 5 and 12 pages long (letter type) and will be submitted in Word or Open Office format. The paper should include:
a) In its structure, each work will be made up of: title, name of the author / s, email and its institutional affiliation. Following is a summary, (in Spanish and English of no more than 200 words), key words (in Spanish and English), Introduction (in which the methodological design of the research is excluded), Development, Conclusions, Bibliographic references and Annexes (if necessary)
b) Full name of each author, preceded by their academic and scientific title (It is recommended not to include more than three authors per article).
c) Bibliographic references will be adjusted to the style of the American Psychology Association. (APA) 6th edition, 2009. At the end of the document only those cited in the text will be mentioned.
2. The article should comply with the following requirements:
a) Pages should be numbered ion the right lower corner.
b) When highlighting elements of the text, italics will be used, never "quotes", bold, verses or capitals. Only quotes will be used in the quotations with less than 40 words.
c) Formulas and fractional numbers will be inserted as an editable text, never as image.
d) The graphics and illustrations (in .JPG format, with a size no larger than 10X10 cm) should be inserted in their corresponding place; and listed, according to their order of appearance
e) Tables should be single spaced, with editable text, never inserted as images; its title will appear on the upper part and they will be numbered in order of appearance (Table 1. Progression of approved projects in 2011).
f) Figures: authors should provide all possible information in text format; it would be of greater convenience for downloading the publication. In case of using images, they should be in .jpg or .tiff image format, not exceeding 100 Kb, or greater width than 10 cm. In the text they should be listed, according to their order (Figure 1. Progression of projects approved in 2011) and title will be at its bottom.
g) Abbreviations: only those universally accepted should be used (see Units Symbols and Abbreviations). When it is decided to reduce a term continuously used in the text, the corresponding abbreviation, in brackets, must accompany the text the first time it appears, for example: Ministry of Higher Education (MHE). To mention the academic and scientific degrees achieved as a form of culmination of studies in our publishing house, in order to achieve uniformity of terms, the following will be used depending on each specialty: Graduate, Grad.; Engineer, Ing.; Master in Sciences, MSc.; Doctor of Science, Dr. C.
h) Notes: will be located at the bottom of the page, never at the end of the article, and will be listed with Arabic numerals. They will have an extension of up to 60 words. Those that only contain citations and bibliographical references will be avoided.
i) Annexes: shall be numbered with the letter A followed by a figure (A.1., A.2., Etc.). Example: A.1. Progression of projects approved in 2011.
In all cases, the format to be used is Verdana 10, without space between paragraphs, double spacing, without indentation or tabs, with justified text. Subtitles will be highlighted in bold. If footnotes are used, they will be in Arial, 8, single spacing, without indentation or tabs, aligned left.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to make style corrections and changes which it considers relevant for improving article quality.
Manuscript submission
Authors interested in publishing in “Conrado” should submit their contributions in spanish or english to the journal editorial board to the following email address: