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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

On-line version ISSN 2218-3620

Universidad y Sociedad vol.14 no.5 Cienfuegos Sept.-Oct. 2022  Epub Oct 30, 2022


Artículo original

The problem of scientific organization labor of the teacher

El problema de la organización científica laboral del docente

0000-0002-0930-2211Damirova Zarifa Valad kyzy1  * 

1Azerbaijan University of Cooperation. Azerbaijan


One of the main tasks of the modern education system is to identifying not only positive, but also negative trends in the problems of the teacher, identifying possible solutions by the method of scientific organization of labor avoiding all that hinder the progress of the development of the school and the teacher. A serious negative trend in the teacher's problem is the relative and absolute growth of his working day. Sociological and economic studies only confirm and clarify the long-known truth that the working day of a modern teacher retains a tendency not to decrease, but to increase, which begins to negatively affect the further development and formation of the teacher's personality. Because of this and the continuous change and complication of the content of pedagogical work in the modern education system requires a systematic improvement of its organization. The main way to reduce the teacher's working day should be sought by improving the system of teacher training, the system of work with teaching staff in school and outside it, in improving the educational process, class and lesson system, in improving the division and cooperation of pedagogical work. Thus, the article deals with the problems of the scientific organization of the teacher's work in the modern education system, and the role of pedagogical work in shaping the personality of the future teacher.

Key words: Competencies; pedagogical education; pedagogical work


Una de las tareas principales del sistema educativo moderno es identificar no solo tendencias positivas, sino también negativas en los problemas del maestro, identificando posibles soluciones por el método de organización científica del trabajo evitando todo lo que obstaculiza el progreso del desarrollo de la la escuela y el maestro. Una grave tendencia negativa en el problema del docente es el crecimiento relativo y absoluto de su jornada laboral. Los estudios sociológicos y económicos solo confirman y aclaran la verdad conocida desde hace mucho tiempo de que la jornada laboral de un maestro moderno conserva una tendencia no a disminuir, sino a aumentar, lo que comienza a afectar negativamente el desarrollo y la formación de la personalidad del maestro. Por ello y por el continuo cambio y complicación del contenido del trabajo pedagógico en el sistema educativo moderno se requiere una mejora sistemática de su organización. La vía principal para reducir la jornada laboral del docente debe buscarse mejorando el sistema de formación docente, el sistema de trabajo con el profesorado en la escuela y fuera de ella, en la mejora del proceso educativo, el sistema de clases y lecciones, en la mejora de la división y la cooperación del trabajo pedagógico. Así, el artículo aborda los problemas de la organización científica del trabajo docente en el sistema educativo moderno, y el papel del trabajo pedagógico en la formación de la personalidad del futuro docente.

Palabras-clave: Competencias; Formación pedagógica; Trabajo pedagógico


Pring (2015, pp. 24-25) defines education according to several parameters having to do with cognition, learning and teaching. Education consists of activities which bring about learning, through engaging the development of cognitive perspectives or conceptual frameworks that help organize experience for sense making. Pring affirms that learning must be ‘educational’ or worthwhile. Learning must contribute to the development of someone as a person, transforming them in significant ways, and must include a process involving ‘human modes of acquiring understandings, attitudes and skills respecting personal commitments to making sense of experience.’ Education involves teaching, an activity that is seen as an essential element in the process of educating. Learning occurs then as a result of interactions with learning professionals in learning institutions (Tatto, 2021b, p. 29).

According to Rust (2019, pp. 4-5) one of the most remarkable takeaways from examining research on teacher education is the homogeneity of opinion about who teachers are, what teaching entails, and what teacher education does. The implications of these images are profound for the work of teacher education since it is these images of teachers at work that are often the templates upon which new teachers begin to construct their own teaching selves (Korthagen &Kessels, 1999); and it is these images that most new teachers expect to replicate in their practice. Quite simply, many expect to ‘teach as they were taught’ in settings and with children who are like themselves. The work of teacher educators, then, entails helping new teachers to shift these images in ways that enable them to do what Ladson-Billings (2014), referring to culturally relevant pedagogy describes, as ‘remixing.’

The notion of remix means that there was an original version and that there may be more versions to come, taking previously developed ideas and synthesizing them to create new and exciting forms … Remixing is vital to innovation in art, science, and pedagogy, and it is crucial that we are willing to remix what we created or inherited (Ladson-Billings, 2014, p. 76).

In this sense the acceleration of transformational processes in various spheres of public life have caused the emergence of new requirements for the educational process and the conditions for its functioning. These requirements are based on significant changes in society, the economy, technology, fundamental and applied sciences, and are a necessary condition for the transition of society to a qualitatively new technological level. In this regard Pring (2021, p. 152) highlights that the emerging aims (clearly interrelated) of education might be summarized as: (i) respecting a common humanity, (ii) extending access to the cultural inheritance, (iii) promoting practical intelligence and competence, (iv) promoting ethical social awareness and deliberation, (v) preparing for citizenship, (vi) preparing for employment, (vii) appreciating religious understanding, (viii) wider personal development. Therefore, there is a need in the educational system to be corrected in changes in content, structure, quality and final product. Taking this into account it is important to prepare teachers for the implementation of the pedagogical process on the basis of personality-oriented pedagogy, dialogical interaction, pedagogical compliance, health preservation, as well as time management in order to do their job more efficiently.

As highlighted by Tatto (2021a) the central task of teacher education is to develop professionals in education. The definition of professionalism and how it is to be acquired however is widely diverse across the field (Creasy, 2015). This is not for lack of studies exploring the issue. Lortie (1975) classical sociological study of schoolteachers examined issues of control and autonomy as central characteristics that define (and constrain) teachers’ professional status. Goodlad (1990, pp. 70-71) outlined conditions for the profession including a coherent body of knowledge and skills, professional control over candidates’ recruitment, qualifications, and learning standards. Gardner and Shulman (2005) extensive empirical study of the professions provide a more nuanced set of characteristics ranging from developing a knowledge base, to the development of professional communities committed to serve in the interest of societal welfare ethically and with integrity, highlighting aspirational goals for the professions.

However, despite the wide "thematic field" of scientific research on the problems of professional and pedagogical competence (PPC), there is still a lack of studies related to the teacher's PPC in the field of scientific organization of students' work, specifically it hasn't been studied as a psychological and pedagogical problem. Considering the foregoing, the purpose of this article is to highlight the essence of the teacher's professional and pedagogical competence in the field of scientific organization of the work of students. In order to accomplish this, it was made an analysis of literary sources to determine and characterize the composition of the PPC, to analyze its significance for designed implementation of a scientifically based educational and educational process in general educational foundations of the scientific organization of the work of students.


First of all, let us point out that modern scientific and pedagogical works devoted to the competence of the teacher, definitions similar in meaning have become widespread: “professional and pedagogical competence”, “pedagogical competence”, “psychological competence”, “psychological and pedagogical competence”. However, at the present stage of development of pedagogical science and practice the problem of pedagogical (professional-pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical) competence and its individual species has not received an unambiguous understanding.

According to Mitina et al., (2005, p. 66) pedagogical (psychological-pedagogical) competence is interpreted as “the harmonic association of knowledge subject, methods and didactics of teaching, skills and habits (culture) of pedagogical communication, as well as methods and means of self-development, self-improvement, self-realization”. Based on the above, scientists identify 3 substructures of pedagogical (psychological-pedagogical) competence:

  • activity (knowledge, abilities, skills, and individual ways of independent and responsible implementation pedagogical activities)

  • communication (knowledge, skills,and ways of implementing pedagogical communication)

  • personal (the need for self-development, as well as knowledge, skills, principles of development of the child's personality).

We fully agree with the opinion of M.I. Lukyanova about the fact that there is a correlation among teacher's pedagogical-psychological competencies, and the the consistency between knowledge, practical skills, and the actual behavior of the teacher in his activities. This is an integrative characteristic of the level of professional training of a teacher, which is based on fundamental psychological and pedagogical knowledge and formed communicative skills, manifested in unity with personal qualities (Lukyanova, 2001, pp. 57-58). In this regard N.V. Kuzmina considers professional and pedagogical competence (PPC) as “a set of skills of a teacher as a subject of pedagogical influence to structure scientific and practical knowledge in a special way in order to better solve pedagogical problems” (Kuzmina, 1990, p. 90).

In our opinion, in the structure of professional and pedagogical competence, it is entirely logical to single out certain components. In particular, Kuzmina (1990, pp. 90-107) suggested such elements in PPC:

  • special and professional competence in the taught discipline

  • differential psychological competence in the field of motives, abilities, and orientation of students

  • socially- psychological competence in the field of processes communication

  • methodological competence in the field of ways of forming knowledge, skills of students

  • auto psychological competence in relation to understanding positive and negative characteristics, as well as one's own activity

In relation to the above, Bodenheimer and Shuster (2020, p. 5) refer to the importance of the use of emotions and the management of emotion to the maintenance of the education system and the everyday work involved in teaching. However, at both the structural and interactional level, there are competing feeling rules outlining how teachers are supposed to feel about their students and what emotions are perceived as ‘appropriate’ to employ at the interactional level. Specifically, teachers are expected to be both warm in their emotional registers (e.g. kind, friendly, compassionate), while at the same time holding back emotions (e.g. maintaining objectivity) with students when it comes to undertaking a wide range of professional duties, such as assessing student work and regulating misbehavior. Carrying out caring aspects of the teaching role, while suppressing emotional reactions, as appropriate, requires the use of extensive emotional labor and impression management to negotiate the professional demands of the day-today job of teaching.

On the other handVasiliev (2000, p. 72) substantiated expediency allocation of prognostic, professiographic, special-subject, didactic, methodical, regulatory-normative, biographical, psychophysiological, diagnostic, managerial, communicative, acmeological and auto psychological competencies as elements of the PPC structure. In the context of preparing a teacher for solving the problems of modern pedagogy, Smirnov (2006, pp. 221-223) also singled out the vale logical, psychological competence of the teacher. A separate type of pedagogical competence is the competence of a teacher in the field of health (Mitina et al., 2005, p. 67). In the opinion of Bibik et al., (2004, p. 87) the concept of humane competence is interpreted as personality traits aimed at maintaining one's own physical, social, mental and spiritual health, as well as the health of the environment.

L.P. Arkhipova in addition substantiates the need to form ecological and vale logical readiness of the teacher. The researcher convinces that “environmental vale logical professional component- pedagogical education in the system of intra-school continuous professional development becomes a factor in the formation values that ensure the elimination of harmful factors and the establishment of education focused on the preservation and strengthening of the health of its subjects” (Arkhipova, 2007, p. 6). In our opinion, the aforementioned actualizes the allocation of the ecological and valeological component of the teacher's professional and pedagogical competence in the context of his readiness to organize the work of students on a scientific basis. It provides for compliance with the principle of compliance in the educational process, deep knowledge and ability to put into practice technologies focused on maintaining health, the ability to use the healing potential of the environment.

Since the category of New Organization Training (NOT) is complex, interdisciplinary, then the competence of the teacher in the field of organization of work scientific students provides for the presence of not only solid knowledge (from different areas of pedagogy, psychology, medicine, ecology, mathematics, law, as well as psychophysiology, time management, ergonomics, ergonomics, etc.), but also the formation of a wide range of skills, habits, the presence of certain abilities. We attach particular importance to the teacher's knowledge of the essence, logic of the pedagogical process, the patterns of age and individual development of students, mathematical processing of the results of psychological and pedagogical measurements, etc.

In the context of our study, it is important to highlight the pedagogical heritage of S.I. Gessen, a man of tragic fate, scientist, philosopher, jurist, teacher. Despite the "age" of the works of the author which have over half a century, their content has not lost its scientific and practical significance. Particularly, in his work "In defense of Pedagogy” (1949) attention is focused on the fact that “a wide range of disciplines is associated with different areas of pedagogy - from philosophy to statistics, from psychology and sociology to the financing and organization of school life” (Gessen, 2001, p. 90). He noted that at the faculties that additionally train teachers, the following departmental units should function:

  • pedagogical physiology, physical education, and school education

  • pedagogical psychology, psychopathology of the child and special pedagogy

  • pedagogical sociology and social pedagogy (childcare)

  • pedagogy in the narrow sense (applied philosophy), didactics of various academic disciplines (both scientific and creative)

  • history of pedagogy, including in itself and the history of educational institutions and pedagogical teachings

  • organization of the school system and administration, finance, and school statistics.

Gessen also paid attention to the importance of studying "private sections" of pedagogy, among which is education adults, organization of a professional school regime, organization of training and leisure in a rural school, technical teaching aids, etc. (Gessen, 2001, p. 90). In his opinion, it is advisable for future teachers to study a number of "theoretical sciences", which form the foundation of pedagogical disciplines, at their own faculty: general physiology - in medical or natural sciences, sociology and philosophical disciplines (logic with epistemology, history of philosophy) - at the Faculty of Humanities, etc. In the textbook "Fundamentals of Pedagogy" (1923), the scientist noted that the teacher "... must know the laws of life of the human body and the conditions for maintaining its ability to work" (Gessen, 1995, p. 364).

Taking advantage of the well-known in pedagogical theories (types of professional and pedagogical competence), we define those that are important in the context of our problems and define their essence on the example of the corresponding skills and habits of the teacher, necessary for organizing the work of students on a scientific basis. In the context of NOT, the pedagogical skill of a teacher is of particular importance as a set of personality traits, which provides a high the level of self-organization of his professional activity and turns out to be in optimal, pedagogically expedient in the choice and use of means, methods of pedagogical interaction in the educational process. It is also necessary to focus on the need to develop creative qualities in teachers, which, allow students to be interested in cognitive activity, as well as avoid the monotony of work, and the uniformity in the educational process.

Thus, the teacher's PPC in the field of organizing the work of students in scientific principles is a complex characteristic, which we consider appropriate to consider in association psychological, psychophysiological, didactic, regulatory, and regulatory, organizational, and managerial, ecological and valeological, information- technological, etc. Each of these elements provides for the presence (in various combinations) of knowledge of management, psychological, pedagogical, biomedical, technical, and other sciences. The subsoil of the teacher's professional and pedagogical competence in the field of organizing the work of students on a scientific basis should be the teacher's conviction, his motivation for the implementation of educational process on scientifically based didactic foundations, principles dialogical interaction, optimization, individualization of the educational process, health, and resource saving, etc.

In our opinion, professional development of pedagogical competence in the field of organizing the work of students on a scientific basis will assist in optimizing the relations of the subjects of pedagogical activity. Formation of the above knowledge, skills, habits and the ability of the teacher to apply them in practice ensures the effectiveness of educational activities due to:

  • the use by educators and students of rational methods of work that save time (speed reading, activity planning, productivity in finding and working out the necessary information)

  • design and implementation of gender-oriented pedagogical technologies (creation of favorable working conditions with appropriate workplace equipment, aestheticization of the space of an educational institution, etc; taking into account the age and individual characteristics of boys and girls, scientifically based alternation of work and rest, optimal new choice of methods and forms of educational work and control of educational achievements, communication on democratic grounds, adequacy in the choice of rewards and punishments, etc.).

Then, the choice and implementation of methods and means of teaching, forms of organization of educational activities of students in the classroom means following:

  1. the selection and implementation of teaching methods by the teacher taking into account the specifics of the content, goals and objectives of the lesson, the individual characteristics of students and the level of their educational preparation by:

    • correction of the choice and implementation of teaching methods in the course of the lesson; providing links and dependencies between the components of the method: the goal of the teacher and students, the activities of the teacher and students, subject-subject (teacher-student) advancing forwarding its improvement and development in educational activities

    • the choice and use in the lesson of methods of control and correction of knowledge, skills, and habits of students

    • the choice and the use of methods to stimulate the educational activities of students, the development of interest in learning, responsibility for its results

    • the use of methods for the formation and development of general educational and special skills, habits of students aiming at to contribute to the formation and development of skills and habits of independent work of students

  2. the choice and implementation of teaching aids in the lesson; this means considering the characteristics of the content, goals and objectives of the lesson by:

    • choosing a set of verbal and visual teaching aids (the word is ahead, follows, accompanies visualization), ICT tools, etc.

    • the selection and implementation of means for the development of thinking (figurative, logical, abstract) and imagination of students in the learning process

    • the compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements and norms for spending time on the use of audiovisual teaching aids in the classroom

    • the formation of skills and habits among students of the use of teaching aids in educational activities

  3. the determination of a rational set of collective, group and individual forms of organization of educational activities of students in the lesson by:

    • the selection and implementation of the dominant form of organization of educational and cognitive activities of students in the classroom

    • didactic support of forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity of students in the classroom

    • providing pedagogical management of frontal, group, and individual activities of students as well as the relationship methods, teaching aids and forms of organization of educational activities of students.


It can be argued that the shortcomings in the preparation of teachers for pedagogical work at school are explained mainly by two interrelated reasons: first, the teacher does not have enough time for systematic work on himself since the volume of daily work literally overwhelms him and second, he does not work correctly, i.e. rationally and efficiently, applying the most important ideas and the principles of New Organizational Training. In this sense many teachers do not know how. Because of that, the main task of scientific organization of labor is to teach a person to learn, to work most rationally, to make work relatively easy and enjoyable. Our work does not exhaust all aspects of the problem at hand since there are still promising directions in this field. Further scientific research in the context of the issues raised, has to be done considering each the components of the professional and pedagogical competence of the teacher in the field of organizing the work of students highlighted in the text.


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Received: September 09, 2022; Accepted: October 25, 2022

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