| Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar
Table of contents Rev Cub Med Mil vol.34 no.4 Ciudad de la Habana Oct.-Dec. 2005 EDITORIAL | | | | · Las radiaciones y la salud del hombre Infante Velázquez, Mirtha
| | | TRABAJOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Spermatogenesis in the professional personnel exposed to electromagnetic radiations Falcón Aguiar, María E.; Pérez Alejo, José L.; Somonte Ríos, Ricardo; Piñón Montano, Ana G.; Hernández Rodríguez, Héctor; Acosta Quintana, Vidalina Kenia
| | | | · Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulsioximetry during night sleep Crespo, Tatiana; Jané Lara, Alfredo; Izquierdo, Luis Antonio; Valdés Díaz, Solangel; Machado Molina, Delfina
| | | | · Abdominal reoperation at an intermediate surgical care unit García Vega, Marta Elena; Gil Manrique, Lázaro; Pérez Reyes, Rogelio; García Montero, Amel
| | | | · Validity of the clinical criterion and two scoring systems for the etiological diagnosis of ictus Morera Méndez, Fermín; Blanco Aspiazu, Miguel Ángel; Suárez Rivero, Birsi; Menéndez Rivero, Lázaro; Suárez Bregado, Roberto; Oliva Torres, Lester
| | | | · Management of renal contusion Rodríguez Collar, Tomás Lázaro
| | | | · Metabolic syndrome as a risk factor in the cerebrovascular disease Arpa Gámez, Ángel; González Sotolongo, Odalys; Felinciano Álvarez, Vladimir; Ferrer López, Vivian; Suárez Iznaga, Rodolfo
| | | TRABAJOS DE REVISIÓN | | | | · Impoverished uranium and health Menéndez López, José R.; Infante Velázquez, Mirtha; Moreno Puebla, Reynol Arturo; Rodríguez Perón, José Miguel
| | | | · Posttraumatic stress disorder in the medicomilitary context Ventura Velázquez, René Esteban; Bravo Collazo, Tania Marta; Hernández Tápanes, Solangel
| | | PRESENTACIÓN DE CASOS | | | | · Influence of flight conditions on the natural history of mitral valvular prolapse in a fighting pilot Leyva Moreno, Urbano; Rodríguez Perón, José Miguel; Prada Sosa, Ibis I.; Ríos Vázquez, Vicente; Torres Perdomo, José E.
| | | | · Intratumoral treatment of a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with severe cutaneous manifestations Fernández Ramos, Oscar; Morales Pérez, Ernesto; Toledo Alvarez, Julio; Arias Galán, Lissette; Cristo Pérez, Viviana
| | | INFORME CORTO | | | | · In vitro susceptibility of isolated Enterococcus strains to vancomycin Nodarse Hernández, Rafael
| | | HISTORIA DE LA MEDICINA MILITAR CUBANA | | | | · The Medical Services of the Revolutionary Armed Forces in the Algeria-Morocco war (1963-1964) Vidal Ramos, Juan Luis; Rodríguez Cáceres, Rosé Antonio
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