| Table of contents Rev Cubana Plant Med vol.21 no.4 Ciudad de la Habana Oct.-Dec. 2016 ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Chemical profile and antibacterial activity of extracts from Peltigera laciniata (Merrill ex Riddle) Gyeln Martínez, Maby; Mantilla, Luz Eliana; Ricardo Toro, Daniel; Galvis García, Jhon Henry
| | | | · Adjustment of models and effective diffusivity in the drying of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. leaves Marques Vidal, Vitor; Resende, Osvaldo; Ferreira Vieira Bessa, Jaqueline; Alves Morais, Wilker; Abadia Silva, Lilian; Zenid Virgolino, Zirvaldo
| | | | · Phytochemical study of extracts from leaves of Cnidoscolus chayamansa Mc Vaugh (chaya) Mena Linares, Yilka; González Mosquera, Dulce María; Valido Díaz, Arianna; Pizarro Espín, Arelys; Castillo Alfonso, Orestes; Escobar Román, Raylen
| | | | · Phytochemical study and evaluation of the antioxidant activity of Esenbeckia litoralis Donn. Sm. (loro) Marin Severiche, Fernis José; Torres Ayazo, Omar Leonardo; Santafe Patiño, Gilmar Gabriel; Saez Vega, Alex Armando; Guzman Teran, Camilo Antonio
| | | | · Phytochemical characterization and evaluation of the inhibitory activity of Piper pesaresanum C. DC leaves against acetylcholinesterase Yolima Nitola, Ledy; Ricardo Muñoz, Diego; Javier Patiño, Oscar; Angélica Prieto, Juliet
| | | | · The cytotoxicity activity and evaluation of antiprotozoa Melissa officcinalis L (CIDRO-MELISA) Rodrigues Costa, Adrielle; Silvino Pereira, Pedro; Marivando Barros, Luiz; Duarte, Antônia Eliene; Vega Gomez, Maria Celeste; Rolón, Miriam; Soares Vidal, Carlos Alberto; Josicleide Maia, Ana; Bezerra Morais Braga, Maria Flaviana; Coutinho, Henrique Douglas
| | | | · Expectorant and toxicological activity of a formulation made from Eucalyptus globulus Labill, Borago officinalis L., and Sambucus Nigra L López Barrera, Alexandra Jenny; Miranda Martínez, Migdalia; Bello Alarcón, Adonis; García Simón, Gastón
| | | | · Evaluation of the biological activity of extracts from Commiphora leptophloeos (Mart.) J. B. Gillet Cavalcanti Clementino, Elaine Laíse; Silva Santos, Jocimar; de Castro Felismino, Delcio; Dantas de Medeiros, Ana Cláudia; Silva, Humberto; Pereira Chaves, Thiago
| | | | · Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of pulps from Rubus glaucus B., Vaccinium floribundum K. and Beta vulgaris L Torrenegra Alarcón, Miladys Esther; Villalobos Lagares, Oscar Luis; Castellar Abello, Ernesto Alfonso; León Méndez, Glicerio; Granados Conde, Clemente; Pajaro, Nerlis Paola; Caro Soto, IVMelissa Soledad
| | | | · Disinfectant activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and flavonoid compounds in Achyrocline satureioides Lam. (macela) Corrêa Both, Jane Mari; Marchionatti Avancini, César Augusto; Spaniol, Bárbara; Ros Petrovick, Pedro
| | | | · Inhibitory effect of Persea cordata Mez. (pau-andrade) bark extracts against Clostridium perfringens causing gangrenous mastitis Schlemper, Valfredo; de Mello Schlemper, Susana Regina; Sousa de Mello, Denise Maria
| | | | · Characterization of the pulp of Annona Muricata L. grown in the north of Bolívar Department in Colombia León Méndez, Glicerio; Granados Conde, Clemente; Osorio Fortich, María del Rosario
| | | ARTÍCULOS DE REVISIÓN | | | | · Antitumor activity of curcumin associated with regulation of epigenetic mechanisms: implications for the Wnt/-catenin pathway Cardona Echeverry, Andrés Hernán; Uribe Yunda, Diego Fernando; Cortés-Mancera, Fabian Mauricio
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