| Table of contents Rev Ciencias Médicas vol.28 no.1 Pinar del Río Jan.-Feb. 2024 EDITORIAL | | | | · Implication between periodontal disease and neurodegenerative diseases Wong-Silva, Jadier; Quevedo-Mora, Víctor Ernesto
| | | LETTER TO THE EDITOR | | | | · Clarity over complexity: a call for simplicity in statistics Araujo-Inastrilla, Carlos Rafael
| | | LETTER TO THE DIRECTOR | | | | · Let's continue sowing health in every heart Calvis-González, Marianela Rafaela; González-Véliz, Teresa
| | | ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Mobile telephony and WhatsApp platform as a complement to face-to-face teaching for collaborative learning Gort-Hernández, Magaly; Tamayo-Rubiera, Alina; Cisneros-Suárez, Yudelkis; Verona-Izquierdo, Ana Iris; García-Parodi, Mayda Magdalena; Pérez-Moreno, Maritza Eulalia
| | | | · Utility of laminated polyurethane foam as temporary coverage in burn injuries Noriega-Rodríguez, Daniel; Estévez-Aparicio, Aramis; Sánchez-Leal, Armando; Gallardo-Alvarado, Alejandro; Losada-Ceballos, Rebeca; González-García, Sergio
| | | | · Personal and family history of allergy and asthma and risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection Miló-Valdés, Carlos Alfredo; Lugo-Hernández, Alberto; Pino-Falcón, Anthuanet; García-García, Mayelín; Pérez-Acevedo, Lidia Cecilia; Orraca-Castillo, Odalys
| | | | · Factors associated with cognitive impairment in the elderly from one medical offices Valdés-Pino, Ana Margarita; Cecilia-Paredes, Eduardo Enrique; Santaya-López, Rolando; Soto-Álvarez, Eliatne Milagros; Cabrera-Mejico, Damaris; Echevarría-Cruz, Ángel
| | | | · Epidemiological characterization of pregnant adolescents in Pinar del Río Ramírez-Hernández, Sandra; Herrera-Padrón, Evelio; Lazo-Cruz, Yeinlis
| | | | · Optional course for fourth grade students of stomatology about COVID -19 and periodontal illness Estrada-Donet, Yudisley; Nápoles-Jiménez, Norberto Juan; González-Rodríguez, Esperanza Zoe
| | | | · Analysis of the Health Prevention study program in the Medicine career Pérez-Collado, Janitzia; Peñalver-Sinclay, Ana Gladys; Bachiller-Sánchez, María del Carmen; Pérez-Collado, Tania; Arévalo-González, Elier
| | | | · Premature loss of primary teeth in school children Díaz-Valdés, Katia; Iglesias-Iglesias, Modesto Antonio; Fernández-Canino, Adrián; López-, Marilen; Pérez-Díaz, María Karla
| | | | · The environmental influence on the health of students with behavioral disorders Angueira Betancourt, Yadira; García Reyes, Olivia; Gómez Pozo, Yaimara; Pérez Velázquez, Jorge Eladio; Rodríguez Blanco, Lourdes; Castro Pérez, Gresin
| | | | · Information architecture for communal hygiene and water management González-Cruz, Yoanisleidy; Fundora-Sosa, Anabel; Valdés-Martínez, Yenisleidys; Cruz-Márquez, Darianna; Hernández-Hernandez, Idalma
| | | | · Sanitary mastectomy with axillar dissection I and II in advanced breast cancer Hernández-Pérez, Liset; Molina-Jaime, Eriel; Jaime-Carballo, Yelena; Betancourt-Reyes, Gilberto Lázaro; Betancourt-Betancourt, Gilberto de Jesús
| | | | · Relationship between glucose levels and endogenous antioxidants in gestational diabetes Lugo Falcón, Naylet; Montier Iglesias, Ariel; Espinosa Pozo, Imilsys; González Pérez, Minerva; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Yamileidys
| | | | · Educational intervention on polypharmacy in older adults Costales-Romero, Zaily; Costales-Romero, Zeinelys; Díaz-Acosta, Anisleydis; Quevedo-Mora, Víctor Ernesto
| | | | · Students' characterization with visual disabilities served by the “José Martí” Special School of Pinar del Río Hernández Estrada, Liuska; Vázquez Campos, Jesús; González Reyes, Sayuris; Quinzan King, Alexander; García Cejas, Idania
| | | | · Pathology Assessment of Renal Masses Sánchez-Mata, Jesús Javier; Hernández-Campoalegre, Michel; Sánchez-Tamaki, Roberto; Hernández-González, Lucy; García-Morales, Isabel; González-León, Tania
| | | | · Prototype for the assessment of image quality in conventional pediatric radiology Amaya-Barrios, Dianelys; Ruiz-Ramos, Diana; Cruz-Márquez, Darianna; Linares-Río, Mayenny; Rodríguez-Maqueira, Yudi
| | | | · Information Management for the Postgraduate department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna Solenzal-Fernández, Guillermo; Valdés-Martínez, Yenisleidys; Cruz-Márquez, Darianna; Pérez-Machín, Belkis de la Caridad; Corrales-García, Ana Lucia
| | | | · Design of a Computer Application for the Management of Medical Records. Nursing Home Dr. Carlos Castellanos Blanco Pérez-Machín, Belkis de la Caridad; Valdés-Martinez, Yenisleidys; Cruz-Marquez, Darianna; Herrera-Serrano, Barbarito; Placeres-Bouzon, Ailin Bárbara
| | | | · Professional improvement course in transfuctional therapy for residents in Comprehensive General Medicine Mirabal-Martínez, Grisell; Paradela-Marrero, Yanel; Nazco-Zorrilla, Aniubis; Cuesta-Martínez, Dunia Caridad; Rivero-Calzadilla, Yoan Manuel; Vieyto-Vigoa, Yaridis
| | | | · Effectiveness of plantain in the treatment of dry socket Quesada-Torres, Yanet; Muñoz-Alvarez, Yurien
| | | BRIEF COMMUNICATION | | | | · Periodontitis in older adults and its association with mild cognitive impairment Garbey-Pierre, Yordanis; Batista-Delgado, Yudit; Núñez-Peña, Lian Cristino; Adjunta-Medina, María Eugenia
| | | ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Importance of Emotional Intelligence in students and health professionals Pérez-Montano, Geidy; Morejón-Castillo, Maidielis; Díaz-Rábago, Ana Beatriz
| | | ARTÍCULOS DE REVISIÓN | | | | · Utilidad del quitosano en el tratamiento de la obesidad y de algunas de sus comorbilidades Hernández-Rodríguez, José
| | | | · The teaching-learning process based on collaborative learning. Pérez-García, Suniel; Díaz-Calzada, Marvelia; Herrera-Miranda, Guillermo Luis; Roig-Martínez, Yasiel; Pérez-García, Suleidy
| | | | · Adolescence, sexuality and sexual risk behaviors Mirabal-Martínez, Grisell; Valdés-Puebla, Yadira; Pérez-Carmona, Idarmys; Giraldo-Barbery, Enrique José; Santana-Mora, Londres Humberto
| | | | · Ozonated vegetable oils and their antimicrobial properties in the treatment of oral disorders Alvarez-Hernández, José Carlos; Fernández-González, Olga Liz; Machado-Cano, María Julia; Pérez-García, Lizandro Michel
| | | | · Hepatoblastoma in children Bencomo García, Boris; Cruz Pimienta, Jennifer; Macias Casal, Camila Nathaly
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