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| León González, Jorge Luis |
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| · Ex-post evaluation of development projects of agrarian forest farms in mountainous areas Mata Varela, Milagros de la Caridad
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| · A comparative study of the oral sources role in the professionalization of historians Mendoza Otero, Jency Niurka; Beltrán Alonso, Haens; Vázquez Cedeño, Silvia
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| · Expectations in educators training as cultural esthetic model Bermúdez Monteagudo, Bárbara; Díaz Vera, Elizabeth; Monteagudo Bermúdez, Yanet
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| · Audiovisual AIDS and their influence in education from alternatives of analysis Barros Bastida, Carlos; Barros Morales, Rusvel
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| · Relations between university and school: its contribution to learning in teachers training Hermida Vázquez, Nancy Aurelia; López Rodríguez del Rey, María Magdalena; Díaz Vera, Elizabeth
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| · National and international trends in business management systems Ricardo Cabrera, Henry; Medina León, Alberto; Nuñez Chaviano, Quirenia
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| · The impact of a proposal of integral assessment for physical education on higher education Granado Mejías, Anairis; Stuart Rivero, Alexis Juan; Tejera Concepción, Juan Francisco
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| · Indicators for the strategic control at Cienfuegos University Rivero Alonso, Katia; Castillo Morales, Gabriel B; Galarza López, Judith
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| · Barriers to increase the efficiency of electric engine driven systems Viego Felipe, Percy Rafael; Borroto Nordelo, Aníbal Enrique; Gómez Sarduy, Julio Rafael
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| · Technological development, sustainability, knowledge management and social development Tartabull Contreras, Yusniel; Rivero Casanova, Caridad Josefa; Briones Kusactay, Víctor Hugo
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| · Dance therapy program and its impact on stress vulnerability Jiménez González, Jorge Félix; Díaz Medina, Raiko; Álvarez Tartabull, Amed Jazán
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| · Alternatives for sanitary hot water production in hotel buildings with chilled water systems Valdivia Nodal, Yarelis; Díaz Torres, Yamilé; Lapido Rodríguez, Margarita
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| · Production, diffusion and musical consumption versus triviality and vulgarity phenomena in cuban music López Jiménez, Luz Esther; Álvarez Cuéllar, Yaskil Moisés; Verdecia Marín, Marlen
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| · Professional training of the promoters of the program educate your son Díaz Vera, Elizabeth; López Rodríguez del Rey, María Magdalena; Bermúdez Monteagudo, Bárbara
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| · The methodological treatment applied to the chemical experiment: An experience in the biology-chemistry specialty de Villa Amil Sellés, Yissel Pérez; Puerta Díaz, Lázara; Morera Pereira, Sugey
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| · Jose Marti's poetry in his free verses collection. A proposal for its further analysis Varela Rodríguez, Yuniet de la Caridad; Martínez Marrero, Mahe; Pompa Montes de Oca, Yanelis de la Caridad
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| · Migration to free software in Cuba: Joint complex of social and technological factors on the path of national sovereignty Montes de Oca Montano, José Luis
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| · Retrospective analysis of technological change in agriculture, the model production and ecological economy Briones Kusactay, Víctor Hugo
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| · Proposal of a procedure for the integration of implemented management systems to improve the performance of the thermoelectric company in Cienfuegos Rodríguez Casteleiro, María de los Ángeles; Zamora Fonseca, Raquel; Varela Izquierdo, Noel
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| · Distribution and consumption of cinema in the digital era: A view from Cuba Lanza Caride, Jorge Luis
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| · Calculating the cost of patients with diseases of muscle rehabilitados bone system rehabilitation room Palmira Rodríguez Chong, Reynaldo; Sánchez Quintana, Anayvi; González Ferreiro, Lesvia
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| · Impact of the results of projects, particular from a prospective vision Rodríguez Muñoz, Raúl
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| · Strategic planning with prospective approach to the editorial "Universo Sur" Quintero Barrizonte, Jorge Luis; López Bastida, Eduardo Julio; Rivero Alonso, Katia
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| · Strategy for improving the editorial management in Cienfuegos university León González, Jorge Luis; Mora Quintana, Eugenia del Carmen; García Cantaya, Arelexys Antonia
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