| Table of contents Rev Cubana Enfermer vol.32 no.4 Ciudad de la Habana Oct.-Dec. 2016 CARTA AL DIRECTOR | | | | · Nursing and its leadership in the care for elderly adults Pérez Moré, Carlos Alberto
| | | ARTÍCULOS ORIGINALES | | | | · Approach to the consumption of materials with explicit sexual contents by adolescents and youths Conde Mérida, Alexis; Darcourt Rodríguez, Alaín; Pérez Moré, Carlos Alberto; Ravassa Martínez, Yanet
| | | | · The level of satisfaction of the population from a family practitioner office with the nursing services Peña Ávila, Ileana
| | | | · Knowledge and beliefs of women from the state of Morelos about the human papilloma virus Hernández-Márquez, Clara Irene; Brito-García, Ivone; Mendoza-Martínez, Minerva; Yunes-Diaz, Elsa María; Hernández-Márquez, Eva
| | | | · Repercussion of mobile devices on nursing care for users in critical state Pacheco López, Pablo; Estévez Ramos, Rafael Antonio; Basset Machado, Ihosvanny; Barco González, Ana Isabel; Sánchez Soto, Juan Manuel
| | | | · Best nursing/clinical practices in the application of ozone therapy Kindelán Mesa, Leonid Marcel; Jay Cordies, Benito; Miranda Benítez, Martha Julia
| | | | · UV radiations as a risk factor associated to pterygium genesis in exposed workers González Ruiz, Gisela Esther; Peralta González, Orlando José; Peralta González, Adriana Gisela; Peralta González, Gisela
| | | | · The work of the health professional and the family carrying of HIV/AIDS de Sales Amorim Lemos, Társilla; Ramos Pereira, Eliane; Chaves da Costa, Daniela; Costa Rosa Andrade Silva, Rose Mary; Andrade Silva, Marcos; de Oliveira, Denize Cristina
| | | | · Suffering experienced by elderlies who live with venous ulcer de Sousa Azevedo Aguiar, Aline Cristiane; Sadigursky, Dora; Amaral Martins, Lucas; de Oliva Menezes, Tânia Maria; Araújo dos Reis, Luana; de Souza Santos, Alana Libania
| | | | · Development of the pedagogic strategy "Proyectos Formativos" [Capacity Building Projects] to foster the integrality of discipline knowledge Jaimes Elveny, Laguado; Villamizar Osorio, Magda Liliana
| | | | · Health care for the human: analysis of its strength is search for the health services Boa Sorte Teixeira, Danilo; Portella Lopes Cruz, Silvana
| | | | · Meaning of the advisorship mode within the multi-professional residence in health at a university hospital de Faria Pereira, Cosme Sueli; de Melo Tavares, Cláudia Mara
| | | | · Perception of mental health professional about the singular therapeutic project de Oliveira Silva, Dejeane; Freitas de Oliveira, Jeane; Rocha de Souza, Márcia Rebeca; Morais Caldas Morais, Nairan; Carvalho Nunes Silva, Itana; Vaz Sampaio Santos, Milena; Silva Santos, Rafaele
| | | | · Experiences of the nursing professional about hospital procedures Nogueira Valença, Cecília; Costa da Silva, Ana Flávia; da Silva Ramos Marinho, Cristiane; Paiva da Silva, Maria Leonor; Gomes de Sousa, Yanna; de Medeiros, Soraya Maria
| | | | · Quality of life in the work of health professionals from a basic health unit Gonçalves Dias, Ernandes; Rodrigues dos Santos, Alexandre; Santos Souza, Erleiane Lucinária; Mendes Ladeia Araújo, Marlúcia; Silveira Alves, Janine Cinara; Martins Mishima, Silvana
| | | | · Methodological actions for working with the history of nursing in the community Amechazurra Oliva, Maritza; O´Farrill Fernández, Milagros; Santana Hernández, Mayle; Martínez Fernández, Estrella; Mena Lastra, Consuelo
| | | | · Cultural-linguistic validation and adoption of the instrument World Health Organization Quality of Live Bref (WHOQOL) in average-aged women Rivero Núñez, Eliced; González Cárdenas, Lilia T; Bayarre Vea, Héctor D
| | | ARTICULOS DE REVISION | | | | · From the general nurse to the geriatric nurse Elers Mastrapa, Yenny; Gibert Lamadrid, María del Pilar; Ávila Sánchez, Mario
| | | | · Nurse-patient relationship: an approach from the interpersonal relationships theories Elers Mastrapa, Yenny; Gibert Lamadrid, María del Pilar
| | | | · Need for women self-care: a challenged for the prevention of cardiovascular disease Mantilla Pastrana, María Inés; Toloza, Diana Catherine; Caviativa, Janeth Patricia
| | | | · Conceptual reflection about some theories of nursing and their validity in the Cuban practice Naranjo Hernández, Ydalsys; Rodríguez Larrinaga, Miriam; Concepción Pacheco, José Alejandro
| | | REFLEXIÓN Y DEBATE | | | | · Manifestations and conceptions on mental disease among indigenous people Zacarias Teixeira, Diomedia; dos Santos Nunes, Nelson; Costa Rosa Andrade Silva, Rose Mary; Ramos Pereira, Eliane
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