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| · Physical activity and emotional control in the health of the healthcare professional Morales Iturio, Alicia; Narváez Bustos, Hilda
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| · The perception of tiredness in decathletes, in different stages of the training macrocycle Suárez Rodríguez, Marisol de la Caridad
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| · A Methodology for environmental education, from the Physical Education class Lozada Sotelo, Irina; Romero Pacheco, Eumelia Victoria
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| · Muscular strength work in the care of Sarcopenia in older adults Méndez Fernández, Elizabeth Clara; Zaldívar Pérez, Bergelino; Rodríguez González, Israel; Ramos Quian, Yusimil
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| · Organizational structure for Mas Holding Boxing Club, Sri Lanka Lalisha Kahatapitiya, Dushan; Piñeiro Suárez, Nereyda
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| · Program of physical activities adapted for the inclusion of pregnant students in the Physical Education class Cajimila Vega, Víctor Alexander; Romero Enríquez, Diego Leonardo; Rodríguez Vargas, Antonio Ricardo
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| · Methodology for teaching-learning futsal adapted for students with visual disability Coello Morales, Joseph Miguel; Arreaga Campoverde, Christian Alonso; Pérez Iribar, Giorver; Maqueira Caraballo, Giceya de la Caridad
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| · Afro-Ecuadorian dance: methodological alternative for the inclusion of students with hyperactivity in Physical Education Estrada Cortez, Mariela; Morales Neira, David Job; Rojas Valdés, Germán Rafael
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| · Development of basic motor skills in children with attention deficit And hyperactivity disorder, in Physical Education Avilés-Bohórquez, Erika Alejandra; Álava-Briones, Ángela Monserrate; Castillejo-Olán, Rubén; Rodríguez-Vargas, Antonio Ricardo
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| · Inclusive recreational activities in Physical Education class, for students with laterality disorder Delgado Castillo, Elisa Maricela; Acosta Cruz, Darwin Giovanny; Rojas Valdés, Germán Rafael
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| · Labor Gymnastics Program for metallurgical manual shapers Guillén Prieto, Sandra; Ávila Solis, Miguel Angel; Sánchez Figueredo, Rigoberto Pastor
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| · Contemporary dance and body expression in inclusive Physical Education: a strategy for students with multiple disabilities Cedeño Andade, Laura Janett; Segura Osorio, Pilar del Rocío; Romero Ibarra, Orlando Patricio; Maqueira Caraballo, Giceya de la Caridad
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| · Inclusive game system for the development of motor coordination in students with autism spectrum disorder Ávila Almeida, Karel; Guzmán Carvajal, Jorge Luis; Maqueira Caraballo, Giceya de la Caridad
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| · Scientific-methodological workshops, an alternative to train Rhythmic Gymnastics coaches in Ecuador González Terán, Diana Fernanda; Piñeiro Suárez, Nereyda
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| · Orientation walking, a way to improve cognitive function in the elderly Bestard Revilla, Alina; Hernandez Soutelo, Liudmila; Fuentes Jordán, Rafael; Jarque Nieto, Ayren Lidia
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| · System of actions to improve the evaluation rating scale in inclusive Physical Education Alfonso Caveda, Duniesky; Saavedra Encalada, Pablo Efrén; Moreno Iglesias, Modesta
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| · Set of nutritional recommendations to develop dietary strategies in athletes Ballesteros Saltos, Fausto Guillermo; Falcones Barbosa, Elizabeth del Rocío; Calderón Palomino, Cristian Oliver; García Caicedo, Vilma Viviana; Murillo Falcones, Jordy Joe
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| · System of physical-sports activities to develop basic motor skills in children with dyslexia Beltrán, Carlos; Toapanta Illanes, Verónica Monserrat; Guerra Iglesias, Sonia
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| · Sports-recreational festival for the elderly, in communities of the Artemisa and Mayabeque provinces Morales Arocha, Rayda Minelys; Pérez Sánchez, Aldo
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| · Management of professional pedagogical skills in students of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Culture Bravo Morejón, Beatriz; López Quiñones, Yudelkis; Cañizares Hernández, Marta; Torres, Moguel
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| · The case study: contribution to research in Physical Culture and Sport Cañizares Hernández, Marta; Fleitas Díaz, Isabel María; Brandao, Regina; Tutte Vallarino, Verónica
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| · Leisure and recreation in the context of Basic Sport Formation Schools Noda Rabelo, Yardley; Cuesta Martínez, Luis Alberto; Pérez Sánchez, Aldo; Bolufé Fernández, Zayre; Díaz Leal, Yaimara
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| · Theoretical and methodological foundations for sports management in Ecuador Vinueza Tapia, Edwin Olimpo; Millán-Caballero, Rafael; Sánchez Córdova, Beatriz
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